Discover Angular version updates

Discover Angular version updates

13 item(s)
  • isolatedModules

    Stable 18.2.0

    Official support for TypeScript isolatedModules option to ensure that each file is treated as an isolated module, meaning it can be transpiled independently.

    • TypeScript
  • inject convert schematic

    Stable 18.2.0

    Converts constructor based injection to an inject function

    • Schematic
  • lazy loaded standalone component schematic

    Stable 18.2.0

    Converts eager loaded routed standalone components to lazy loading

    • Schematic
    • Routing
  • router configuration defaultQueryParamsHandling

    Stable 18.2.0

    option to specify the default value for queryParamsHandling in Router.createUrlTree when another option is not specified (or is null|undefined).

    • Routing
  • afterRender and afterNextRender phase redesign

    Stable 18.1.0

    Allows passing a callback per phase on a single afterRender or afterNextRender call.

    • Migration
  • afterRender phase flag migration

    Stable 18.1.0

    Convert AfterRender phase flag as it now allows passing callback per phase in a single afterRender / afterNextRender call.

    • Migration
  • @let variable

    Developer preview 18.1.0

    Define a variable and reuse its value throughout the template.

    • Template
  • isSignal input property

    Stable 18.1.0

    Expose a isSignal property for input

    • Signal
  • TypeScript 5.5

    Stable 18.1.0

    Add support for TypeScript 5.5

    • TypeScript
  • HttpClientModule deprecation migration

    Stable 18.0.0

    Converts HttpClientModule to provideHttpClient

    • Migration
  • withI18nSupport

    Developer preview 18.0.0

    Enable hydration for i18n blocks

    • i18n
    • SSR
  • Control flow syntax

    Stable 18.0.0

    introduced in preview in 17.0.0

    New syntax for control flow in templates

    • Template
  • Zoneless change detection

    Experimental 18.0.0

    remove zone.js to trigger Angular’s change detection

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