206 of 206 changes
Release notes - feat
merge object options from CLI
merge object options from CLI
feat - feat
karma-coverage w/ app builder
karma-coverage w/ app builder
feat - feat
feat - feat
support karma with esbuild
support karma with esbuild
feat - fix
bring back style tags in browser builder
bring back style tags in browser builder
fix - fix
fix --watch regression in karma
fix --watch regression in karma
fix - fix
fix hanging terminal when `browser-sync` is not installed
fix hanging terminal when `browser-sync` is not installed
fix - fix
handle basename collisions
handle basename collisions
fix - fix
handle main field
handle main field
fix - fix
remove double-watch in karma
remove double-watch in karma
fix - fix
serve assets
serve assets
fix - fix
zone.js/testing + karma + esbuild
zone.js/testing + karma + esbuild
fix - refactor
remove deprecated `browserTarget`
remove deprecated `browserTarget`
refactor - refactor
remove Protractor builder and schematics
remove Protractor builder and schematics
refactor - refactor
remove deprecated `fileBuffer` function in favor of `stringToFileBuffer`
remove deprecated `fileBuffer` function in favor of `stringToFileBuffer`
refactor - feat
add package manager option to blank schematic
add package manager option to blank schematic
feat - feat
add `sass` to `stylePreprocessorOptions` in application builder
add `sass` to `stylePreprocessorOptions` in application builder
feat - feat
Auto-CSP support as a part of angular.json schema
Auto-CSP support as a part of angular.json schema
feat - feat
enable component stylesheet hot replacement by default
enable component stylesheet hot replacement by default
feat - feat
introduce `outputMode` option to the application builder
introduce `outputMode` option to the application builder
feat - feat
introduce `ssr.experimentalPlatform` option
introduce `ssr.experimentalPlatform` option
feat - feat
set development/production condition
set development/production condition
feat - feat
utilize `ssr.entry` during prerendering to enable access to local API routes
utilize `ssr.entry` during prerendering to enable access to local API routes
feat - feat
utilize `ssr.entry` in Vite dev-server when available
utilize `ssr.entry` in Vite dev-server when available
feat - fix
add missing redirect in SSR manifest
add missing redirect in SSR manifest
fix - fix
add warning when `--prerendering` or `--app-shell` are no-ops
add warning when `--prerendering` or `--app-shell` are no-ops
fix - fix
always clear dev-server error overlay on non-error result
always clear dev-server error overlay on non-error result
fix - fix
always record component style usage for HMR updates
always record component style usage for HMR updates
fix - fix
avoid hashing development external component stylesheets
avoid hashing development external component stylesheets
fix - fix
avoid overwriting inline style bundling additional results
avoid overwriting inline style bundling additional results
fix - fix
check referenced files against native file paths
check referenced files against native file paths
fix - fix
correctly use dev-server hmr option to control stylesheet hot replacement
correctly use dev-server hmr option to control stylesheet hot replacement
fix - fix
disable dev-server websocket when live reload is disabled
disable dev-server websocket when live reload is disabled
fix - fix
ensure `index.csr.html` is always generated when prerendering or SSR are enabled
ensure `index.csr.html` is always generated when prerendering or SSR are enabled
fix - fix
ensure accurate content size in server asset metadata
ensure accurate content size in server asset metadata
fix - fix
ensure SVG template URLs are considered templates with external stylesheets
ensure SVG template URLs are considered templates with external stylesheets
fix - fix
Exclude known `--import` from execArgv when spawning workers
Exclude known `--import` from execArgv when spawning workers
fix - fix
fully disable component style HMR in JIT mode
fully disable component style HMR in JIT mode
fix - fix
handle `APP_BASE_HREF` correctly in prerendered routes
handle `APP_BASE_HREF` correctly in prerendered routes
fix - fix
incomplete string escaping or encoding
incomplete string escaping or encoding
fix - fix
move lmdb to optionalDependencies
move lmdb to optionalDependencies
fix - fix
prevent prerendering of catch-all routes
prevent prerendering of catch-all routes
fix - fix
relax constraints on external stylesheet component id
relax constraints on external stylesheet component id
fix - fix
set `ngServerMode` during vite prebundling
set `ngServerMode` during vite prebundling
fix - fix
simplify disabling server features with `--no-server` via command line
simplify disabling server features with `--no-server` via command line
fix - fix
skip wildcard routes from being listed as prerendered routes
skip wildcard routes from being listed as prerendered routes
fix - fix
synchronize import/export conditions between bundler and TypeScript
synchronize import/export conditions between bundler and TypeScript
fix - fix
update logic to support both internal and external SSR middlewares
update logic to support both internal and external SSR middlewares
fix - fix
use named export `reqHandler` for server.ts request handling
use named export `reqHandler` for server.ts request handling
fix - fix
workaround Vite CSS ShadowDOM hot replacement
workaround Vite CSS ShadowDOM hot replacement
fix - refactor
remove automatic addition of `@angular/localize/init` polyfill and related warnings
remove automatic addition of `@angular/localize/init` polyfill and related warnings
refactor - feat
handle string key/value pairs, e.g. --define
handle string key/value pairs, e.g. --define
feat - fix
recommend optional application update migration during v19 update
recommend optional application update migration during v19 update
fix - perf
enable Node.js compile code cache when available
enable Node.js compile code cache when available
perf - perf
enable Node.js compile code cache when available
enable Node.js compile code cache when available
perf - feat
add `createRequestHandler` and `createNodeRequestHandler `utilities
add `createRequestHandler` and `createNodeRequestHandler `utilities
feat - feat
Add `getHeaders` Method to `AngularAppEngine` and `AngularNodeAppEngine` for handling pages static headers
Add `getHeaders` Method to `AngularAppEngine` and `AngularNodeAppEngine` for handling pages static headers
feat - feat
add `isMainModule` function
add `isMainModule` function
feat - feat
add server routing configuration API
add server routing configuration API
feat - feat
dynamic route resolution using Angular router
dynamic route resolution using Angular router
feat - feat
export `AngularAppEngine` as public API
export `AngularAppEngine` as public API
feat - feat
expose `writeResponseToNodeResponse` and `createWebRequestFromNodeRequest` in public API
expose `writeResponseToNodeResponse` and `createWebRequestFromNodeRequest` in public API
feat - feat
improve handling of aborted requests in `AngularServerApp`
improve handling of aborted requests in `AngularServerApp`
feat - feat
introduce `AngularNodeAppEngine` API for Node.js integration
introduce `AngularNodeAppEngine` API for Node.js integration
feat - feat
introduce new hybrid rendering API
introduce new hybrid rendering API
feat - feat
move `CommonEngine` API to `/node` entry-point
move `CommonEngine` API to `/node` entry-point
feat - fix
add missing peer dependency on `@angular/platform-server`
add missing peer dependency on `@angular/platform-server`
fix - fix
add validation to prevent use of `provideServerRoutesConfig` in browser context
add validation to prevent use of `provideServerRoutesConfig` in browser context
fix - fix
correct route extraction and error handling
correct route extraction and error handling
fix - fix
designate package as side-effect free
designate package as side-effect free
fix - fix
enable serving of prerendered pages in the App Engine
enable serving of prerendered pages in the App Engine
fix - fix
ensure wildcard RenderMode is applied when no Angular routes are defined
ensure wildcard RenderMode is applied when no Angular routes are defined
fix - fix
fix - fix
export PrerenderFallback
export PrerenderFallback
fix - fix
improve handling of route mismatches between Angular server routes and Angular router
improve handling of route mismatches between Angular server routes and Angular router
fix - fix
initialize the DI tokens with `null` to avoid requiring them to be set to optional
initialize the DI tokens with `null` to avoid requiring them to be set to optional
fix - fix
resolve `bootstrap is not a function` error
resolve `bootstrap is not a function` error
fix - fix
resolve circular dependency issue from main.server.js reference in manifest
resolve circular dependency issue from main.server.js reference in manifest
fix - fix
show error when multiple routes are set with `RenderMode.AppShell`
show error when multiple routes are set with `RenderMode.AppShell`
fix - fix
support for HTTP/2 request/response handling
support for HTTP/2 request/response handling
fix - fix
use wildcard server route configuration on the '/' route when the app router is empty
use wildcard server route configuration on the '/' route when the app router is empty
fix - perf
cache generated inline CSS for HTML
cache generated inline CSS for HTML
perf - perf
cache resolved entry-points
cache resolved entry-points
perf - perf
integrate ETags for prerendered pages
integrate ETags for prerendered pages
perf - perf
prevent potential stampede in entry-points cache
prevent potential stampede in entry-points cache
perf - feat
add option to export component as default
add option to export component as default
feat - feat
add option to setup new workspace or application as zoneless mode
add option to setup new workspace or application as zoneless mode
feat - feat
integrate `withEventReplay()` in `provideClientHydration` for new SSR apps
integrate `withEventReplay()` in `provideClientHydration` for new SSR apps
feat - feat
update app-shell and ssr schematics to adopt new Server Rendering API
update app-shell and ssr schematics to adopt new Server Rendering API
feat - fix
component spec with export default
component spec with export default
fix - fix
don't show server routing prompt when using `browser` builder
don't show server routing prompt when using `browser` builder
fix - fix
enable opt-in for new `@angular/ssr` feature
enable opt-in for new `@angular/ssr` feature
fix - fix
explicitly set standalone:false
explicitly set standalone:false
fix - fix
remove `declaration` and `sourceMap` from default tsconfig
remove `declaration` and `sourceMap` from default tsconfig
fix - fix
use default import for `express`
use default import for `express`
fix - feat
add optional rounded transform support in cloudinary image loader
add optional rounded transform support in cloudinary image loader
feat - feat
automatically use sizes auto in NgOptimizedImage
automatically use sizes auto in NgOptimizedImage
feat - feat
disable keyvalue sorting using null compareFn
disable keyvalue sorting using null compareFn
feat - feat
add diagnostic for unused standalone imports
add diagnostic for unused standalone imports
feat - feat
add support for the `typeof` keyword in template expressions.
add support for the `typeof` keyword in template expressions.
feat - fix
`this.a` should always refer to class property `a`
`this.a` should always refer to class property `a`
fix - fix
add more specific matcher for hydrate never block
add more specific matcher for hydrate never block
fix - fix
avoid having to duplicate core environment
avoid having to duplicate core environment
fix - fix
control flow nodes with root at the end projected incorrectly
control flow nodes with root at the end projected incorrectly
fix - fix
fix `:host` parsing in pseudo-selectors
fix `:host` parsing in pseudo-selectors
fix - fix
fix multiline selectors
fix multiline selectors
fix - fix
handle typeof expressions in serializer
handle typeof expressions in serializer
fix - fix
ignore placeholder-only i18n messages
ignore placeholder-only i18n messages
fix - fix
resolve `:host:host-context(.foo)`
resolve `:host:host-context(.foo)`
fix - fix
transform chained pseudo-selectors
transform chained pseudo-selectors
fix - feat
'strictStandalone' flag enforces standalone
'strictStandalone' flag enforces standalone
feat - feat
ensure template style elements are preprocessed as inline styles
ensure template style elements are preprocessed as inline styles
feat - feat
generate the HMR replacement module
generate the HMR replacement module
feat - fix
disable standalone by default on older versions of Angular
disable standalone by default on older versions of Angular
fix - fix
do not fail fatal when references to non-existent module are discovered
do not fail fatal when references to non-existent module are discovered
fix - fix
do not report unused declarations coming from an imported array
do not report unused declarations coming from an imported array
fix - fix
incorrectly generating relative file paths on case-insensitive platforms
incorrectly generating relative file paths on case-insensitive platforms
fix - fix
make the unused imports diagnostic easier to read
make the unused imports diagnostic easier to read
fix - fix
report individual diagnostics for unused imports
report individual diagnostics for unused imports
fix - perf
reduce duplicate component style resolution
reduce duplicate component style resolution
perf - feat
Add a schematics to migrate to `standalone: false`.
Add a schematics to migrate to `standalone: false`.
feat - feat
Add async `run` method on `ExperimentalPendingTasks`
Add async `run` method on `ExperimentalPendingTasks`
feat - feat
Add incremental hydration public api
Add incremental hydration public api
feat - feat
Add rxjs operator prevent app stability until an event
Add rxjs operator prevent app stability until an event
feat - feat
add syntactic sugar for initializers
add syntactic sugar for initializers
feat - feat
allow passing `undefined` without needing to include it in the type argument of `input`
allow passing `undefined` without needing to include it in the type argument of `input`
feat - feat
allow running output migration on a subset of paths
allow running output migration on a subset of paths
feat - feat
change effect() execution timing & no-op `allowSignalWrites`
change effect() execution timing & no-op `allowSignalWrites`
feat - feat
drop support for TypeScript 5.4
drop support for TypeScript 5.4
feat - feat
experimental `resource()` API for async dependencies
experimental `resource()` API for async dependencies
feat - feat
experimental impl of `rxResource()`
experimental impl of `rxResource()`
feat - feat
flipping the default value for `standalone` to `true`
flipping the default value for `standalone` to `true`
feat - feat
initial version of the output migration
initial version of the output migration
feat - feat
introduce `afterRenderEffect`
introduce `afterRenderEffect`
feat - feat
introduce debugName optional arg to framework signal functions
introduce debugName optional arg to framework signal functions
feat - feat
introduce the reactive linkedSignal
introduce the reactive linkedSignal
feat - feat
mark input, output and model APIs as stable
mark input, output and model APIs as stable
feat - feat
mark signal-based query APIs as stable
mark signal-based query APIs as stable
feat - feat
migrate ExperimentalPendingTasks to PendingTasks
migrate ExperimentalPendingTasks to PendingTasks
feat - feat
promote `outputFromObservable` & `outputToObservable` to stable.
promote `outputFromObservable` & `outputToObservable` to stable.
feat - feat
Promote `takeUntilDestroyed` to stable.
Promote `takeUntilDestroyed` to stable.
feat - feat
stabilize `@let` syntax
stabilize `@let` syntax
feat - feat
support TypeScript 5.6
support TypeScript 5.6
feat - feat
treat directives, pipes, components as by default
treat directives, pipes, components as by default
feat - fix
allow signal write error
allow signal write error
fix - fix
avoid breaking change with apps using rxjs 6.x
avoid breaking change with apps using rxjs 6.x
fix - fix
clean up event contract once hydration is done
clean up event contract once hydration is done
fix - fix
ComponentFixture autoDetect feature works like production
ComponentFixture autoDetect feature works like production
fix - fix
Ensure the `ViewContext` is retained after closure minification
Ensure the `ViewContext` is retained after closure minification
fix - fix
fallback to default ng-content with empty projectable nodes.
fallback to default ng-content with empty projectable nodes.
fix - fix
Fix fixture.detectChanges with autoDetect disabled and zoneless
Fix fixture.detectChanges with autoDetect disabled and zoneless
fix - fix
fixes issues with control flow and incremental hydration
fixes issues with control flow and incremental hydration
fix - fix
prevent errors on contract cleanup
prevent errors on contract cleanup
fix - fix
Prevents trying to trigger incremental hydration on CSR
Prevents trying to trigger incremental hydration on CSR
fix - fix
Re-assign error codes to be within core bounds (<1000)
Re-assign error codes to be within core bounds (<1000)
fix - fix
resolve forward-referenced host directives during directive matching
resolve forward-referenced host directives during directive matching
fix - fix
rethrow errors during ApplicationRef.tick in TestBed
rethrow errors during ApplicationRef.tick in TestBed
fix - fix
Schedulers run in zone above Angular rather than root
Schedulers run in zone above Angular rather than root
fix - perf
set encapsulation to `None` for empty component styles
set encapsulation to `None` for empty component styles
perf - refactor
remove deprecated `factories` Property in `KeyValueDiffers`
remove deprecated `factories` Property in `KeyValueDiffers`
refactor - fix
support `output()`-shaped outputs
support `output()`-shaped outputs
fix - fix
switch to `ComponentRef.setInput` & remove custom scheduler
switch to `ComponentRef.setInput` & remove custom scheduler
fix - feat
add ability to clear a FormRecord
add ability to clear a FormRecord
feat - fix
fix FormRecord type inference
fix FormRecord type inference
fix - feat
promote `withRequestsMadeViaParent` to stable.
promote `withRequestsMadeViaParent` to stable.
feat - fix
preserve all headers from Headers object
preserve all headers from Headers object
fix - feat
add code fix for unused standalone imports
add code fix for unused standalone imports
feat - feat
add code reactoring action to migrate `@Input` to signal-input
add code reactoring action to migrate `@Input` to signal-input
feat - feat
allow code refactorings to compute edits asynchronously
allow code refactorings to compute edits asynchronously
feat - feat
support converting to signal queries in VSCode extension
support converting to signal queries in VSCode extension
feat - feat
support migrating full classes to signal inputs in VSCode
support migrating full classes to signal inputs in VSCode
feat - feat
support migrating full classes to signal queries
support migrating full classes to signal queries
feat - fix
The suppress diagnostics option should work for external templates
The suppress diagnostics option should work for external templates
fix - refactor
remove deprecated `name` option.
remove deprecated `name` option.
refactor - feat
add a combined migration for all signals APIs
add a combined migration for all signals APIs
feat - feat
add schematic to migrate to signal queries
add schematic to migrate to signal queries
feat - feat
capture output migration stats
capture output migration stats
feat - feat
expose output as function migration
expose output as function migration
feat - feat
introduce signal input migration as `ng generate` schematic
introduce signal input migration as `ng generate` schematic
feat - feat
migrate .pipe calls in outputs used in tests
migrate .pipe calls in outputs used in tests
feat - feat
print output migration stats in ng generate
print output migration stats in ng generate
feat - feat
remove complete calls for migrated outputs
remove complete calls for migrated outputs
feat - feat
replace .next usage on outputs
replace .next usage on outputs
feat - fix
add outputs migration to combined shorthand
add outputs migration to combined shorthand
fix - fix
change imports to be G3 compatible
change imports to be G3 compatible
fix - fix
do not migrate next calls in template if not an EventEmitter
do not migrate next calls in template if not an EventEmitter
fix - fix
flip the default standalone flag in route-lazy-loading migration
flip the default standalone flag in route-lazy-loading migration
fix - fix
include the output migration in the defaults of the signal migration
include the output migration in the defaults of the signal migration
fix - fix
inject migration always inserting generated variables before super call
inject migration always inserting generated variables before super call
fix - fix
inject migration not inserting generated code after super call in some cases
inject migration not inserting generated code after super call in some cases
fix - fix
migrate more .next output usages
migrate more .next output usages
fix - fix
properly bundle shared compiler code into migrations
properly bundle shared compiler code into migrations
fix - fix
properly handle comments in output migration
properly handle comments in output migration
fix - fix
properly migrate output aliases
properly migrate output aliases
fix - fix
properly replace imports across files
properly replace imports across files
fix - fix
properly resolve tsconfig paths on windows
properly resolve tsconfig paths on windows
fix - fix
replace removed NgModules in tests with their exports
replace removed NgModules in tests with their exports
fix - fix
correctly add external stylesheets to ShadowDOM components
correctly add external stylesheets to ShadowDOM components
fix - refactor
remove deprecated `BrowserModule.withServerTransition` method
remove deprecated `BrowserModule.withServerTransition` method
refactor - fix
destroy `PlatformRef` when error happens during the `bootstrap()` phase
destroy `PlatformRef` when error happens during the `bootstrap()` phase
fix - feat
Add `routerOutletData` input to `RouterOutlet` directive
Add `routerOutletData` input to `RouterOutlet` directive
feat - fix
Align RouterModule.forRoot errorHandler with provider error handler
Align RouterModule.forRoot errorHandler with provider error handler
fix - fix
remove setter for `injector` on `OutletContext`
remove setter for `injector` on `OutletContext`
fix - fix
Update Resolve interface to include RedirectCommand like ResolveFn
Update Resolve interface to include RedirectCommand like ResolveFn
fix - feat
allow specifying maxAge for entire application
allow specifying maxAge for entire application
feat - feat
finish implementation of refreshAhead feature
finish implementation of refreshAhead feature